Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cruise ships pass



Each day at various places on the beaches of Campbell River, you will see luxurious cruise ships that ply the waters between Seattle (some from Vancouver)  and Alaska.  This one is a Royal Caribbean, Legend of the Seas, passes the fishing wharf at Campbell River.


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Mute Swans


Our resident swan recently got a mate, not sure how, and the two are delightfully swimming around visiting Dick Murphy Park. When they hear the noisy honking of Mallards fighting for food, they soon come over to get their share.

Be kind. Bread is NOT the food of swans. It has little food value, and swells in their stomachs. If you want to feed them, take lettuce, or other green veggies, and tender stems.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Olympic Spirit

Never say Campbell River isn't a team player. I am sorry I missed one down the highway that was complete with Olympic medals. The Inukshuk below fell victim to a winter storm I think.