Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Colour of Fall


2008  has had the most extraordinary run of beautiful sunshine with one little frost at just the right time to make the leaves turn that perfect red and gold.  I have ran around to almost every trail and river to capture the wonderful displays of October in Campbell River.

Click on any picture for a larger display and use  your back button to return.DSC_1243C

Sunday, October 12, 2008




And how can one not rush to take this beautiful picture of a Willow Point Sunrise.  Winter will soon be here, and rain, wind and snow will replace the splendour of colourful reflections on wet sand. 

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Harbour Lights


Campbell River is one of those places that you feel safe enough wandering around late at night, taking pictures or what have you.  I don't know that I can explain it even to myself, but I love the water, and find myself drawn to the harbour often.  I especially like to be around when the water is as smooth as glass and the lights of boats and fingers glow softly in the night.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Paradise Meadows


I had wanted to go up and see this in person for two or three years, and at last got an opportunity. A good friend and I walked around for 4 or 5 hours, had lunch at Battleship Lake, and came home with legs like rubber. The views were breathtaking, and parts of the trail were even wheelchair accessible.

There were some very friendly whiskey jacks that followed us until DSC_1667they were convinced we had no lunch left they could pilfer. No matter, we had enough for all, and actually had anticipated a little visit with these pesky little beggars.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Big Winner

Just to Start the Day

At last a photo of Sunrise I can really brag about.   The other morning I was awakened by much too much light in my bedroom, forgetting I had left the blind up and the window open the night before to maximize any bit of breeze I could capture on a humid and hot night.

As soon as I realized why the room was so ORANGE, I jumped into jeans and a shirt, grabbed my camera, and dog (couldn't let her whine over being alone at 4:45 now could I?) and rushed out the door to catch what promised to be a glorious sunrise. 

Well it was, and a double prize winner at that.  This won a Flickr  award for "INTERESTINGNESS" on May 28, and to top that, was chosen to be shown on Global Television on May 30th.  Imagine my pleasure when it was also chosen winner for the week. 

I can expect the "Coveted Ball Point Pen" according to Wayne Cox in the next day or two in the mail.   Click on the Flickr Montage (right) to see more of my photographs. CLICK ON ANY IMAGE HERE FOR A LARGER VIEW. Use your back button to return.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Kye Bay

I took a little trip down memory lane last night just at sunset. It was wonderful and I had some company which made it more special.